Sunday, August 06, 2006

Xtra-Fast Linux Desktop via Xgl!

Microsoft has used the CPU rendered desktop since it first went graphical with Windows! The graphic chip in this environment is largely left unused except in gaming, multi-media and artwork. It follows the linear straight line grahics generation of an Etch a Schetch to render folders and files in a non-maleable fixed way! Even in Vista it is rendered in polygons that are pre-structured and designed. So it naturally has problems as it doesn't just generate vectored graphics that are transposed in the zoom process, so the graphics when zoomed are just merely blowin up pixelated graphics that lose their shape and form as they're blowin up! They do not vector into finer diffinition and detail as they do in Novell Linux's Xgl Desktop of the future. Where the GPU carries most of the Workload of Renderring so the CPU can be programmed to concentrate on the things it does best as with calculations and OS operations.

The next step in the evolution of the Computer Desktop is about to take place in a non-confined space inside your monitor! The future will have Living environments for it's desktop and even an Office program where it does not have the pre-rendered straight line approach to it at all. No hard lined drawn folders, but folders flexible and movable and zoomable with vectored rendering where details and clarity are never lost and appear as not print, but rather living graphics appearing as if on parchment or any pliable surface you may just use in real life!

By using the graphics power efficiently you effectively expand the resource handling power of your CPU! You've taken a load off it's mind, so to speak! Just imagine running a real Movie of a desktop even your desktop one set in another environment such as on a Tropical Island with the Letter you are typing appears as if your typing on the sand or aqua blue shimmering water as a medium! The words will stand out even more on a moving living environment. Things just stand out and hit you in the face as you read! So much easier on the eyes with everything rendered in moving living natural environment. Lets say it's a Desktop Design that more resembles the Parchment on an old pirate ship's desk looking out a window in the stern! A scene with seagulls and sunset viewed with your wake in it's path! All moving and all working with a toolbar with tool icons only no borders confined square boxs just text only. Natural leather like qualities that defie CPU rendered looks pliable bendable and zoomable as you read!

The conventional fixed focus straight line method that only show perfect square or rectangular shapes is un-natural and un-needed on todays desktop!


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